Contact Lens

Biomedics XC *DISCONTINUED, please contact us* 

Biomedics XC  *DISCONTINUED, please contact us*

*Please note, these lenses have been discontinued. Please contact us for more information.*

Biomedics XC® contact lenses utilize patented PC Technology™ to create a unique material that contains molecules of phosphorylcholine (PC), a substance found naturally in human cell membranes. These PC molecules attract and surround themselves with water, keeping Biomedics XC lenses healthy, moist, and comfortable all day long.

Each box contains 6 fortnightly lenses.

Features Visibility (handling) tint

Pack Size 6 lenses per box

H2O Content 60%

Replacement Schedule 14 Days

Health Fund Claimable Private health fund members may claim a rebate on this item. * Please check with your health fund.

Right Eye - OD Left Eye - OS
Per Box $47.45 $47.45
Total $47.45 $47.45
Product Total $94.90

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