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B&L SofLens Daily Disposable 30 pack 

B&L SofLens Daily Disposable 30 pack

Please note this product is being discontinued - All orders may incur extended delays periods.

Bausch & Lomb Soflens Daily Disposables with High Definition Optics can provide rich contrast and vivid colour, offer crisp, clear vision from bright to low light, reduce the appearance of halos and glare in low-light conditions, rest naturally on the eye and stay moisturised all day long
Take the worry out of cleaning your lenses everyday!

Features Visibility (handling) tint

Pack Size 30 lenses per box

H2O Content 60%

Replacement Schedule 1 Days

Health Fund Claimable Private health fund members may claim a rebate on this item. * Please check with your health fund.

Right Eye - OD Left Eye - OS
Per Box $35.00 $35.00
Total $35.00 $35.00
Product Total $70.00

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